Today is the 24th birthday of my beloved
daughter, Morgan.
And yet, physically,
Morgan will not be here. That
bastard Demon, Eating Disorders claimed her on October 30, 2016 at 11:31 o'clock p.m. The path of destruction caused by the taking of that one life reverberates today. Heartache, pain, sorrow ... an immeasurable ocean of anguish ... having to swim with all of one's might to stay ahead of that tidal wave of primal darkness are a harsh reality and cannot be ignored.
That Demon will be hovering outside of my place tonight. I will be aware of its blood stained claws scratching at the windows. I will be aware of the dark, ripped hooded robe concealing its evil, grinning death mask ... a mask that never quite shows itself and never reveals its countenance in the bright light of day. That Demon will be hovering, knowing that as sorrow overwhelms us, it will grow ever stronger, ready to claim even more victims.
And yet ...
I will also see, I will sense, I will feel, the ever growing sensations of doubt, and concern and the onset of fear in that Demon. When that Demon hovered outside of my window last Christmas, anticipating that it would gloat, it instead was met with love, with strength, with the bond that only love can bring. And we did not let that Demon enter our houses. Candles were lit around the world for Morgan and her incredible fighting spirit. And the Demon left my house, not strengthened, but instead confused and in doubt.
And so yet again, it returns to attempt to haunt me and others who loved Morgan deeply. And once again, it will fail.
Tonight, the Demon will see first hand, it will experience true emotions. Yes, it will see sadness. We must acknowledge that sadness so that it does not overwhelm and define us. But, it will mainly see a house filled with people. It will see a party, a celebration of life! It will hear singing. It will hear incredible music. It will hear us as we drink toasts in celebration of life. It will hear how our community has rallied and said, "Enough!" No more! And it will hear the changes that have occurred as we proudly announce the growth and renewed faith and strength in our community.
I will look the Demon in the eyes and once again, stand tall and say, "I am the Storm." You may have taken my heart, but an incredible soul was revealed to me and its purpose was made clear. You have created the very means of your inevitable demise. There are, and will continue to be, other Warriors even stronger than me, more soulful than me, who will pick up the call to arms and will fight you. There is an army of us now, both on this plain and the next. And we are coming for you.
Tonight my beloved daughter, we pick up the call to arms you left for us. We are resolute. We will not waiver. We will not fail.
So you Demon Bastard ... run. Run as far and as fast as you can. But, you will not escape. We will find you. And our love, our strength, our souls, our passion will destroy you.
It is YOUR turn to feel fear.
This demon thrives on selfishness and misery of its prey. One father's great love-his sole life's new purpose, to heal other in her name, empowers new found warriors of overwhelming strength to defeat the evil of this disease. Extraordinary parents-Steven and Martha-your wounds may remain, your pain may not lessen, your courage now for others-death is not defeat-you survive to fight the battle in her name. God bless you both. Thinking of you. Richard S.