Eating disorders
come into our lives in different ways, through different means, in different
and varying disguises. This disease knows all too well the weaknesses in the
human heart and soul and it preys upon them. Ego, anger, insecurity,
greed, ignorance and especially fear. This disease sows hate-filled seeds of
self-destruction within us and then waters them, tending them carefully knowing
that our weaknesses need so little to have them flourish and grow into a
monster which consumes and ultimately destroys us. And it happens with all
aspects of this disease and with all people who are caught in its insidious web.
There are a number
of both "open" and "closed" groups on Facebook and other
social media which are designed to provide "peer-to-peer" support for
parents needing help and advice when they, or their loved ones are fighting
this disease. A closed group is a group in which a person must first request
consent from a Moderator to be included. The purpose of this ostensibly, is to
protect the confidentiality of its members and to protect the integrity of the
information being disclosed. Good, sound advice has been given and assistance
has been obtained in these groups.
For example, a few
months ago, I was contacted by an advocate based in Kansas who knew of a mother
in Houston whose son was suffering and who was not receiving effective
treatment. She asked me about treatment facilities in the Dallas area. I put
her in touch with a good friend who was then the marketing person for the
eating disorder program at Texas Health Presbyterian. She contacted her
counterpart at Children’s Medical Center in Plano (a suburb in Dallas). Within
days, the mother’s son had been checked into Children’s and was receiving the
life-saving treatment he needed. That is an example of how these groups can and
should operate.
Ironically at about
the same time, one of the leading parent support “closed groups” on Facebook
went through an acrimonious “divorce,” as moderators were abruptly removed and
excluded, a new group with the same name was opened and ego, anger, threats and
recrimination were played out on a public stage which was supposed to be
reserved for providing sound advice and support for parents who are in the grip
of fear, of suffering the greatest heartache and pain a parent can feel … the
death of their beloved child. In response to this public disgrace within the
group, I posted the following:
“I watched the ridiculous
eyeball scratching, pillow fight yesterday with at first, mostly amusement,
which then turned to pity which then turned to muted anger.
Yesterday, and the split into
two groups, was not about a division of professional ideas and a collegial
disagreement on how best to treat this insidious disease. It was not
about how best to help those parents whose souls are in agonizing pain. It was
not about love, or faith, or hope. If that was indeed the case, then an orderly
and mutually beneficial split could have been obtained with the clear messages
of each group being delivered to those who so desperately need a candle in
their darkness.
The Message. The
Message. The Message.
Going back as far as Biblical
times (or for those of you who do not believe in God), then going back as far
as at least 2000 years, the maxim, “It is the power of the message and not the
image of the messenger” rings just as strongly today.
And yesterday, the Message was
completely obliterated. Yesterday was about ego, and self-importance, and
insecurities and inadequacies. And so called “leaders” on both sides
dragged this insipid ugliness into the clear light of day and paraded it around
without regard to the pain, the suffering of the parents and their loved ones
whose souls are compromised.
And to give it even greater
clarity, in the four plus hours that the ugliest of the pissing match was going
all the so-called “leaders,” not one remembered… not one gave the slightest
indication that they gave a damn. They were too caught up in feeling
snubbed, or making demands or having their little feelings hurt or caught up in
an emotional scrap heap. FOUR MORE SOULS WERE
TAKEN! While everyone was scrambling for scraps from the table, and
pointing fingers and being in every way, the very worst example of a self-absorbed,
self-important close-minded reprobates … FOUR MORE LIVES WERE TAKEN!
To those who would say, “you
don’t know everything that went on behind the scenes,” know this for an
absolute fact… whatever you believe was so important about “what went on behind
the scenes,” speaks to the image of the messenger, and is NOT about the POWER
The two, mirror EDSP groups
epitomize EVERYTHING that is wrong, everything that is bad in the eating
disorder industry today. The silo-mentality, the isolationism, the
self-importance, the self-absorption, the close-mindedness, the inability and
unwillingness to listen. And this begs the very real question… if
you cannot even resolve your differences in a professional, calm transparent
manner, why should any parent remotely believe that you are capable of offering
advice or resources that is based on any type of objective standard instead of
emotionalism and self-interest? Two mirror groups with the same message HURT
those persons who need help the most.
Now, you want to ban me for an
hour, or for good and delete this post because it is speaking some very hard
truths? Buh-Bye. I have helped a number of people on here behind the
scenes, my child is dead so I am not getting any help on here and I am one of
perhaps… two men who post on here.
And I do know another thing for
an absolute certainty, the pissing match and subsequent split in the group
grossly insulted the memory of my beloved daughter, Morgan, it insulted the
memory of Maggie, it insulted each and every Warrior Angel this damnable
disease has ripped from this earth. And if the so-called leaders do
NOT find a way to repair the rift and present a unified, transparent,
open-minded front to supply a larger, greater, stronger, combined resource
group for those parents and loved ones who are in agony, if the so-called
leaders cannot find a way to get past the pettiness, then you are not part of
the solution… you are part of the problem. And when you become part
of the problem, you will be treated accordingly.
Eating disorders, and the evil
it instills in the brain, the heart and the soul it represents are my sworn,
permanent and hated enemy. I will not stop. I will chase this
Demon. I will chase it round Good Hope, and round the horn, and
round Norway’s maelstrom and round perdition’s flames before I give him up. And
if you are part of the problem, pray that you do not cross my journey.
Put your egos aside, remember
the POWER of the message. The solution is simple. The implementation
of the solution is very simple. The only complex thing is the ego…
and if the message is important… that then is not complex.”
The impact of this message was
exactly … zero. The two groups are still and will forever remain, split.
Acrimony has been directed at the owner/moderator of another closed group
accusing her of taking the material in the group and using it as the subject
matter of a book. (which she vehemently denies). In the “new” closed group,
when a moderator demanded its members adhere to a strict code of confidentiality
I questioned how that could be widely and universally applied across the board
since if any new, break through counseling techniques, counselors or centers
were opened, that should be shared with everyone and also reminded people that
courts had subpoena power over any “closed group.” As I pushed the points and
asked for discourse, one of the moderators dismissively stated that she could “mansplain” it to me. I was not surprised
that she was not called out for the use of such demeaning terminology directed
toward an individual.
What these closed group
moderators/admins fail to grasp, as their egos continue to run rampant, as they are blindly guided by their political views and agenda, the
cracks in the “closed groups” are ever widening and “their closed groups” are
beginning to be defined, not by their strengths but by their weaknesses. They
do not understand that the “closed groups” do not belong to them at all. They
belong to the parents who constitute the members. The moderators are merely
stewards of the groups and should “their” members leave, they will have exactly
what they have now … nothing. And all the while, the chilling laughter of the
Demon lingers in the background.
These groups are losing, or
have lost, the Power of the Message. These groups are underestimating the dark
strength of this disease. These groups, instead of proliferating, are
weakening. Our loved ones continue to die at an alarming rate. And all the
while, the chilling laughter of the Demon lingers in the background.
There are millions of parents
worldwide who are experiencing anxiety, crippling fear and hopelessness as
their beloved child or spouse withers. An asset which could provide hope and
shared strength for those parents is intent on burning itself to the ground.
And the moderators, who are so concerned about lording themselves over their
groups to the exclusion of everyone else may find themselves nothing but “Queen
of the Ashes.” And all the while, the chilling laughter of the Demon
As a final reminder of what the disease is about of the incredible harm it does to its victims and families, I will leave you with this:
As a final reminder of what the disease is about of the incredible harm it does to its victims and families, I will leave you with this:
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